Meet Your Sheep

Which one of our sheep was at the hair stylist for your jumper? When was it born and how big was it while shearing? Stop by our cutest employees and find your sweetheart.
Our Z1 Merino girls

Our Z1 Merino girls

We humans are super interesting beings for our girls. They always watch our steps to understand what strange behaviors we have and how they can convince us to get some of this delicious hay. Tiara is the leader of the female herds, because she was raised by hand due to her motherĀ“s violation. Our ladies love to interact and babble all the time.

Our Z1 girls
Our Z2 Merino boys

Our Z2 Merino boys

Our boys are less curious and needy to talk. Very shy they prefer to watch strangers from far. Always looking for the next adventure, our men are especially fun-loving and want to regularly compete with the other guys and find out which ram is the strongest.

Our Z2 boys